There are thousands of on-premises MDM customers. A small minority have chosen to migrate to cloud MDM. Why are the majority putting it off?
Is there no business justification? No, quite the opposite. The ongoing maintenance, subscription and hardware costs of on-premises MDM is a significant cost. The cost of ongoing upgrades is also significant. Both of those costs are dramatically reduced after you migrate to cloud MDM. There are also new business opportunities to be addressed with new MDM functionality. In an uncertain environment with cost reductions, the business case to migrate to cloud MDM is strong.
Your migration strategy depends upon who your on-premises vendor is. Old MDM vendors such as IBM, Oracle, and SAP don’t have clear roadmaps for cloud MDM, and therefore upgrading to cloud may mean moving to a new SaaS MDM solution. Companies may assume that it is a difficult and costly thing to do. However, it isn’t necessarily so. It depends on how the legacy MDM product is used and which use cases it addresses. In the majority of cases, cloud MDM solutions can address the same use cases right now. Secondly, vendors don’t have tooling to automate the migration. But consultancies do, specifically ones with expertise in the legacy MDM vendors. Other prominent MDM vendors, such as Informatica, have a rich cloud roadmap and a viable alternative for their clients to migrate to cloud MDM.
Ready to learn more about how to migrate to cloud MDM and realize significant cost savings?
Migrating from on-premise MDM to cloud MDM solution isn’t trivial. The starting point is determining whether you are ready for a migration, and what effort and cost it would entail. Q Spark Group are experts in MDM cloud migration. We will conduct a free MDM migration readiness assessment for you to start your MDM Cloud Migration journey.
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