Data security needs to evolve.
We're leading the charge.

Data Security is a Priority

Data is changing. New repositories. New third party data. New data combinations in lakes and warehouses. All of this creates security and governance challenges. Individual data in applications may be secure, but once combined and shared via a warehouse or lake, it may become sensitive data.
Data isn’t the only thing that’s changing. Hackers are getting smarter. The threat to your data is ever-present. Government regulations are constantly changing the ways that data can be shared and used. Governance and compliance need to keep pace.

Data Security, Governance and Compliance is an ongoing investment and process. Innovating new ways to get achieve more with your DSG software is one way a Data Security Consultant can help.

Ready to evaluate your Data Security and Governance capabilities?

Data Security Posture Management

Data volumes are always growing. There are more places to collect and store data. And more places that it is combined in new ways that make it more sensitive and more vulnerable. The speed of data change is increasing. Data is being copied and proliferating more often than ever before. The variety of data is also increasing. And there are more regulations being introduced to understand and track sensitive data and how it is used.

Data Security Posture Management software addresses those challenges. DSPM is a comprehensive set of capabilities to profile, classify, and identify sensitive data. It monitors access to sensitive data, applies access policies and generates alerts when data is inappropriately accessed. DSPM also contains significant automation capabilities to manage data security at scale.

Modern DSPM software is intuitive but many organizations benefit from the help of a Data Security Posture Management consultant. Whether you are starting out with DSPM, or an in production, a DSPM consultant can ensure your DSPM software is well integrated with existing data management software to ensure you are protecting all of your data.

Data Governance

Society works because we have laws, rules, and processes to enable citizens interacting for commerce. A data-driven society is constructed on the same principles. There have to be laws to make users feel secure in using and sharing data. That’s Data Governance. It is a facilitator for a data-driven culture. Data Governance is an old discipline and there is mature software being used to manage it.

However, the needs for governance may be evolving beyond first generation data governance software. Governance policies need to be connected to technical data understanding (data catalogs) and data security (DSPM). This is where a data governance consultant can help. Modernizing your Data Governance solution and connecting it to other important data management and security technologies.

Data Compliance

Data regulations are increasingly becoming more stringent. New regulations create new compliance headaches. But why are they headaches? Because most organizations don’t have a comprehensive, flexible metadata foundation. That’s what is required to understand and track data usage, and comply with new regulations.

There are different software solutions and technologies required to create a metadata foundation. Data catalogs. Data lineage. Data Governance. All of them connected together seamlessly. That’s how a Data Compliance consultant can help.

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